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How to Make a Solar Phone Charger – Guide for DIYers

Written by K. Miller / Fact checked by J. Fussell

how to make a solar phone charger

A DIY solar phone charger is a device that utilizes solar power to charge your cell phone. Unquestionably, the portability, energy efficiency, and convenience it offers are unexcelled.

Built using solar panels, this DIY solar USB charger won’t only help you save more on your electricity consumption but also charge devices quickly, even when you’re on the go.

While it requires a few supplies to get the job done, creating your solar mobile charger is a more eco-friendly and practical alternative than store-bought solar cellphone chargers.

In this guide, we’ll provide you with step-by-step methods on how to make a solar phone charger without hassle.

What are the Materials Needed for Creating Your Solar Powered Phone Charger


You can look for mini solar panels in nearby local stores that sell electronic or science materials and tools. Or, you can find most of the materials you’ll need for this DIY project online.

Materials Needed:

  • Two mini solar panels (should be 3-Volt 20mA each)
  • One large heat shrink tubing (4-inch)
  • One cell phone charger
  • One small heat shrink tubing (4-inch)
  • One solder iron
  • One Altoids tin case
  • One double-sided tape (3-inch)
  • One heat gun
  • One solder (3-inch)
  • One wire stripper
  • 1 oz. Flux
  • Toothpick

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make a Solar Phone Charger


Step 1: Cut the tubing and the wires.

The initial step is to get the two solar power panels and cut all four wires approximately an inch in length. From there, cut about ¼-inch of plastic off the edge of each wire using a wire stripper. In doing so, the copper wires will be exposed.


The copper wire that is exposed is referred to as the lead. Afterward, you should cut the mini shrink tubing into four equal parts. Each of them should be 1 inch; then, glide the mini heat shrink tubing into both black wires.

Step 2: Solder the leads of the solar panel.


Paint the leads using a toothpick and flux on the black wire from one solar panel. Do the same process with the red wire from the other solar panel. After that, place the two leads together, and from there, you may start soldering using the soldering iron and your solder.

Step 3: Heat-shrink the tubing.

Glide the mini heat shrink tubing over the soldered leads. Using the heat gun, gently heat the tubing for it to shrink.

Step 4: Cut the wire of your phone charger.

The next step is to cut the wire of your old charger to roughly 2.5-feet and take off about 2.5-inches of the exterior plastic from the loose edge. Then, you may now cut off approximately ¼-inch of the inner wires to form the leads.


Glide the entire length of the large heat shrink tubing into the primary wire, which you’ll utilize later.

Step 5: Flux, join, and heat-shrink the loose leads.

Take the primary wire and then glide a mini heat shrink tubing section into the red wire. With a toothpick, flux all the loose leads of the solar panel and the primary wire. From there, start soldering the red leads from the solar panels and primary wire together.

You may execute the same process for the black wires. Glide the heat shrink tubings over the soldered leads. To shrink the tubings, you’ll need to use a heat gun.

Step 6: Examine your mobile charger.


It is now time to examine your cellphone charger. To do this, connect it to a cellphone under bright light.

Step 7: Heat-shrink the leads of the solar panels.

For this step, pick up your primary wire and then glide the large heat shrink tubing over the two soldered leads linked to the solar panels. Shrink the tubing using a heat gun.

Step 8: Tape and seal.

At the rear section of your solar panels, using double-sided tape, cover the two brass rivets. This is to ensure that they won’t make contact with the Altoid tin. Afterward, tape the two solar panels situated on the inner lid of the tin.

Lastly, fold the primary wire together into the case and seal. Look for a sunny spot and start using your homemade solar cellphone charger.

You might want to take a closer look at this tutorial video:

What is a Solar Cellphone Charger

A solar-powered mobile charger is a device that could charge cellphones with the help of solar radiation. A compact solar panel is the primary component of a solar mobile charger. The solar panel captures the energy coming from the sun and generates an output voltage.

Nonetheless, the light radiation that falls on the solar panel can differ. As a result, the voltage output becomes unsteady. Fundamentally, a steady voltage is necessary when charging a cellphone.

So, it is essential to utilize a voltage regulator circuit along with the solar panel. This will execute a vital role in regulating and making the output voltage steady.

What are the Upsides of Using a DIY Solar Cell Phone Charger

A solar-powered battery charger is straightforward to operate and does not require high maintenance. Such a device comes with a solar panel that absorbs energy from the sun and converts the sun’s energy into electricity.

A solar-powered mobile charger is also quick and convenient to hold and store. It comes with an AC outlet, so you can utilize it to charge your mobile phone battery. Aside from your cell phone, you can use this device for gadgets that require power, like tablets, iPad, laptops, and more.

You can place a solar phone charger at a secure and safe spot where it could captivate total sun exposure.

And, if you wish, you can also create a suitable charger as per your requirements. Did you know that the number of solar panels contained in your charger influences the amount of energy it could keep? The solar charger’s specifications also rely on the gadget that you want to charge.

This device is handy, so carrying it with you anywhere is not a hassle. Best of all, it does not call for an external power source to charge your gadget.

There’s no denying that a solar charger is ideal for different types of outdoor activities. Since you can bring it with you when hanging out with friends at a party or other outdoor adventures, you can always get in touch with people when you’re away from home.

You see, even if you don’t have a power source to charge your device, a solar phone charger can save you from trouble.

Final Thoughts

As you read in this post, the entire solar charger-making process isn’t as complicated as you might imagine. Ultimately, making a DIY solar mobile charger can offer you multiple benefits. This device is portable, eco-friendly, easily storable, and a money-saver.

Now that you’ve learned the step-by-step guides on how to make a solar phone charger, you’re now just a few steps away from creating your own version of a solar-powered charger. The entire process is fun-filled, and assembling takes only a few minutes. It’s a DIY project that everyone can try.

Did you enjoy this tutorial? Hopefully, it can help you as you create a worthwhile DIY solar project in the future.