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How Much Does a Solar Panel Weigh? – Solar Panel Facts

Written by K. Miller / Fact checked by J. Fussell

how much does a solar panel weight

How much does a solar panel weigh? If you’re using a regular panel for homes, expect it to weigh approximately 40 lbs. However, depending on the solar panel manufacturer, the weight of solar panels can vary between 33 lbs. and 50 lbs.

Moreover, the commercial solar panel weight is usually heavier than that of residential PV modules due to their added length (78 inches vs 65 inches). Many commercial panels weigh about 50 lbs. or beyond.

Let’s uncover more about solar panel weight on roof by reading the rest of this post!

How Heavy Are Solar Panels

In addition to the estimates above, homeowners with pitched roof designs should remember that solar panels add roughly 2.8 lbs. per square foot. On the other hand, solar panels add approximately 5 lbs. per square foot for flat designed roofs.

Determine if Your Roof Is Sturdy Enough to Handle Your Solar System 


You can tell if your roof is durable enough for a solar PV system installation by computing the weight load of the entire solar PV module.

Solar experts assert that the total weight load of a standard solar PV system is roughly 3 to 4 lbs. per square foot. This solar panel weight per square foot estimate already includes the mounting racks, solar PV modules, and other vital installation hardware.

Commercial and residential roofs are designed to sustain more weight than that, which is 20 lbs. per square foot, at least, so they should have no problem accommodating a PV system.

However, this is true only if your roof’s in good condition; asphalt roofs that are older than 10 years may be too damaged for solar arrays. For homeowners who consider replacing their old roofs, it’s a wise decision to have a roofing firm construct their new roof and tailor it to solar panels.

You may consider consulting a professional solar PV system contractor to determine if your roof can handle the entire solar PV structure you’re planning to install. Another solution is consulting roofing firms that perform solar panel installation for an evaluation of your roof.

In general, with their vast experience in setting up solar PV systems, they can give you a tip regarding solar panel weight per square meter and the cost. Moreover, they will help you determine solar panel weight per watt so that you can make the most out of your new solar panels.

Lastly, you may refer to a solar panel roof load calculator. This tool is specifically designed to find the weight and size of the solar panels that your roof can handle.

How Big Are Solar Panels

Solar PV modules used for homes are approximately 5.4-ft. by 3.35-ft. or 65-in. by 39-in. Each solar module usually comes with a total of 60 solar cells.

On the other hand, PV modules for commercial applications generally come with slightly larger dimensions or sizes. The standard versions typically measure 6.5-ft. by 3.25-ft. or 78-in. by 39-in. Substantially, compared to residential PV modules, PV modules used commercially come with a total of 72 solar cells.

Larger PV panels are intended for commercial uses because they come with more PV modules. Meanwhile, smaller PV panels are ideal for beefing up residential rooftops.

Heads Up: Most solar panels are designed with a 230 to 275W power rating. If your home’s annual power usage is average, you’ll require approximately 28 up to 34 solar panels.

This is the number of solar panels needed to produce adequate power to run your home and appliances. Keep in mind that this metric will also depend on your roof size. Hence, to verify this, it’s critical to figure out how big your roof is.

Most solar panels measure roughly 17.5 sq. ft. Let’s say your roof measures around 385 sq. ft.; then, you have enough space to accommodate approximately 22 solar panels.

Would you like to uncover more about solar panel sizing and solar panel weight per watt? If yes, this video is a must-watch:

Different Rooftop Solar System Options


1. Polycrystalline Panel System

This one is considered the latest trend in the market because it employs cutting-edge technology. Compared with monocrystalline panels, this type is much more affordable. However, polycrystalline panels typically last 20 to 35 years, which is shorter than their monocrystalline counterparts’ 25 to 40 years.

It’s worth mentioning that since they are massively endorsed, polycrystalline panel system makers are employing significant innovations in their energy output.

2. Photovoltaic Panel System (also known as PV Cells)

PV cells or thin-film panels are lighter than other types, as their material is very thin. They also produce little waste and can handle high heat and humidity. On the downside, PV cells lose to crystalline cells in terms of efficiency.

3. Monocrystalline Panel System

Monocrystalline panels are more efficient than polycrystalline ones, making them suitable for small spaces. These panels also handle heat better than polycrystalline ones, but dust and snow are more likely to affect them.

Final Thoughts

This article intends to help consumers learn more about solar panels’ weights and average dimensions. Again, to answer the question, “how much does a solar panel weigh?” please remember the following:

  • The weight of solar panels may vary based on the brand, model, etc.
  • Commercial solar panels are heavier than residential panels
  • Get assessment or advice from professional solar contractors, roofing firms, or structural engineers before installing one

In addition to weight, you should also compute for solar panel dimensions cm. This way, you can determine if your roof is well-suited for a solar panel system installation or not.