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How Many Amps Does a 100 Watt Solar Panel Produce?

Written by K. Miller / Fact checked by J. Fussell

how many amps does a 100 watt solar panel produce

A great start to utilize and store solar energy is a 100W solar panel. With solar panels, you can use the sun’s energy through the aid of advanced technology that transforms that energy into electricity.

How many amps does a 100 watt solar panel produce? On average, throughout the day, your 100 watt monocrystalline solar panel or polycrystalline panel can generate an average of 2.86 amps per hour.

Nevertheless, this value can increase in the middle of the day and reach a maximum of 5.75 amps. It could also be lower early in the morning and late at night.

In this post, let’s find out a 100-watt solar panel is enough for your energy needs.

How Much Power Does a 100w Solar Panel Produce


A 100-watt solar panel is a solar PV module that comes with a power rating of 100W. As you’d anticipate, this means that the panel has a power output of up to a hundred watts of DC power in an hour when it’s running under excellent conditions.

Fundamentally, the power ratings of solar panels are evaluated under ideal conditions. Indeed, the output of solar panels is wholly reliant on the amount of sunlight the specific panel is exposed to.

Hence, a panel with any power rating must be set up correctly, particularly in the correct direction and angle, to captivate sunlight more efficiently. Solar panels must also face this direction during peak sunlight hours.

In addition, other significant factors like shady spots, clouds, and the geographic location where the solar panels are being utilized could significantly impact their overall performance.

The Amount of Power a 100-Watt Solar Panel Generates Per Day

Let’s have a sample computation:

Let’s say 2,173 kWh/m2/year is the annual irradiance of your location

Divide this by 365 (days in a year), we obtain 5.95 kilowatt-hours/m2/day (which is the maximum-sun-hours)

100W multiply by 5.95 = 595 watt-hours -> this is the energy from a 100W solar panel in a day

How Many Amps Does a 100-Watt Solar Panel Generate Per Hour


A 100 watt solar panel amps per hour is not usually measured since it could fluctuate significantly. The preferable approach is to convert the power generated in watt-hours to amp-hours. This way, you can obtain some ideas regarding the average current that is distributed in one hour.

To calculate the watt-hours a 100W solar panel generates in one hour, refer to the sample computation below:

Daily energy of 595 watt-hours, divide this by 12 hours = you get 50 watt-hours on average.

Then, let’s convert a one-hour power output into amp-hours

If you utilize 17.5 V as the voltage at the maximum power point, 50-watt hours = 2.86 amp-hours.

With that, we could expect that, on average, during the day, your 100W solar panel can produce an average of 2.86 amps in one hour.

Be that as it may, remember that this value would significantly increase in the hours throughout the middle of the day, reaching up to 5.75 amps. This value also tends to be much lower in the early morning period and late-night hours.

100 Watt Solar Panel Output Amps to 12V Battery

To determine the number of amps produced by a 100W solar panel feeding power to a 12V battery, use the formula amps = watts divided by volts.

So in this case, amps = 100 divided by 12

Amps = 8.33

For this instance, one amp of current flowing for an hour charges the battery by one amp-hour. Therefore, 8.33 amps of current produce 8.33 amp-hours of charge an hour.

Heads Up: Do you find amp-hours and watt-hours confusing? If so, you might want to check out this video:

What If Your 100 Watt Solar Panel Kit for RV is Not Running in Excellent Conditions

The truth is your solar panels will use most of their lifetime operating in sub-optimal conditions. For beginners, keep in mind that most of the day is not peak sunshine hours.

You have to consider that morning and late afternoon hours acquire less direct sunlight compared to the hours around noon. Likewise, all locations have overcast days, so you need to be well aware of that. Read more solar panels perfect for overcast, low-light weather here.

There are also winter months that come with less daylight than summer seasons. Fundamentally, what all this implies is that your 100W solar panel would generate different amounts of energy depending on where and when it is being utilized. Find out more solar panels specifically designed for RVs, Vans here. Or click these links to see detailed features and applicability of flexible solar panels and foldable solar panels

Even so, it is essential to note that a solar panel that is not running at its maximum power potential could still produce usable energy.

Check whether your panel, inverter, battery, and charge controller are sized correctly. Solar panels also lose efficiency as time passes, so if your system is too old & can’t satisfy most of your energy needs, consider upgrading it.

What Can a Single 100W Solar Panel Run

To determine what your 100-watt solar panel can run, you need to consider factors like the efficiency of your power inverter, charge regulator, and what type of battery bank you’re using.

Anyhow, you can still examine the power requirements of popular electronics to give you a hint of how well your 100W solar panel could manage those different requirements.

Provided that your 100W solar panel is appropriately linked to a deep cycle solar battery, that stored solar energy can satisfy the power requirements of the following appliances:

  • A small LED TV would have a power rating between 60 and 150 watt-hours
  • A standard laptop calls for between 50 and 100 watt-hours
  • A string of LED lights will need between 10 and 14 watt-hours
  • A standard smartphone requires approximately 5-watt-hours while charging
  • A Bluetooth speaker will need 20 up to 50 watt-hours while charging

If you’ve noticed, even in sub-optimal conditions, your 100W solar panel could produce sufficient energy to be a reliable electricity source for different electronics or appliances.

This is the reason why 100-watt solar panels are pretty well-known to people that spend more of their time off-grid. There’s no denying that even one solar generator and one 100W solar panel can be adequate to practically power a portable GPS device or smartphone.


A 100-watt solar panel is easy to use and convenient; however, it can offer limited power only. This device is ideal because it’s portable, making it an outstanding option for running a few small devices for your recreational vehicle or camping.

Before getting one for yourself, it’s critical to answer the question, “how many amps does a 100 watt solar panel produce?” Indeed, you need to know what your 100W solar panel can run.

When considering a 100-watt solar panel kit, you have to inspect the efficiency of the:

  • solar charge regulator
  • power inverter
  • type of battery bank